अनलाइन शिक्षाबारे व्यवस्थापकले के थाहा पाउनुपर्छ
विश्वभरका स्कूल प्रशासकहरुले विद्यार्थी र विधालय संकायका लागी एक सफल र प्रभावकारी अनलाइन शिक्षा अनुभव सिर्जना गर्न सक्दछन्।
विश्वभरका स्कूल प्रशासकहरुले विद्यार्थी र विधालय संकायका लागी एक सफल र प्रभावकारी अनलाइन शिक्षा अनुभव सिर्जना गर्न सक्दछन्।
आधुनिक शैक्षिक प्रविधिका नयाँ नयाँ प्रचलनहरूको साथ आमाबुवाहरू कसरी अपडटेड रहन सक्छन् यो लेखमा पढ्नुहोस।
The blending learning approach promotes a number of effective teaching tactics pushing students’ engagement and retention. Although it might seem challenging at first, it is easily adaptable and helps tap creativity and makes education more accessible and affordable.
Blended learning is a combination of traditional classroom learning and online learning. Nepal needs to adopt a blended learning model now more than ever especially since it will be more apparent post COVID.
Five students from different schools in Kathmandu Valley provided insight on what they thought about the SEE cancellation and how this decision affects them.
Three professors who teach students in higher education provide their views on working to make the online transition seamless, productive, and interactive.